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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Night Kids!

1:04 AM Obama looking good in NC and IN ok in MO and MT. I could live with 364 EVs

12:49 AM Sorry I faded out there for a while. I may not be up much longer cause I have to work early tomorrow but here's what's going on:
Franken is still tight with Coleman
Merkeley is slightly ahead of Smith
Martin is on the brink of losing
Lunsford lost
Musgrove lost
Allen lost
Shaheen won
Hagan won
Still no word on Begich (or alaska in general)
I don't have the energy to stay up and watch prop 8 although it is still in peril
Can't find anything but prop 1 for MA and we smashed it
No more beverage tax and no casinos for ME

Bachmann is going to hold on in MN I think (unbelieveable)
Stevens will probably lose but again Alaska is a black hole
Burner is doing ok but doesn't have it wrapped up yet

9:24 PM Barack Obama wins Ohio and is our new president
9:02 PM Arizona too CLOSE to call. Eat that you piece of shit
8:24 PM Hagan beats Dole for Senate seat in NC
8:05 PM Obama wins PA and NH. Joe Scarborough puts it well: McCain now needs to win NC,IN,MO,FL,VA,NV, and either CO or NM or it's over
6:59 PM Warner wins VA senate (duh). Georgia and Kentucky are senate seats that are too close to call
6:57 PM Just got home from work. Virginia and parts of Indiana are closed. Indiana is close which makes me very excited!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Election night

I hope to be blogging a decent amount on election night. Here's what I'll be watching:
Presidential election (duh)
Senate races specifically:
Franken v. Coleman in MN
Merkely v. Smith in OR
Martin v. Chambliss in GA
Lunsford v. McConnel in KY
Musgrove v. Wicker in MS
Allen v. Collins in ME
Shaheen v. Sununu in NH
Begich v. Stevens in AK
Hagan v. Dole in NC

House races (so many to follow I don't keep track that well)
MN-06 because Michelle Bachmann is a moron
AK-AL because Alaska if full of criminals
WA-08 because whenever you can get a progressive you've got to hold tight with both hands

MA props
CA prop 8
ME props 1 and 2

I voted on Thursday since I'll be working almost all day Tuesday (gone by 7am, maybe get back by 7pm but no guarantees). I was surprised how many people were voting early. I know there has been a lot of early voting is swing states but even in Massachusetts. I'll be interested to see how voter turnout comes in.

So how did I vote? Well to put it bluntly, democratic. Didn't have many choices in the local races (most were running unopposed but Obama and Kerry are one vote closer because of me.

As far as props go I didn't vote strictly 'liberal'
I voted to keep income tax because I think it's stupid not to
I voted to decriminalize 1oz or less of pot
and my one 'non-liberal' vote: I voted to keep dog racing legal.

My rationale for this vote is that the burden of proof is on the people claiming dog abuse because they want to change law and put around 1000 people out of a job. They've had this as a proposition before and it failed and I don't know what is going to happen this year but from everything I read it seemed to be mostly a he said/she said subjective case.