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Monday, May 4, 2009

Why do we still ask beauty contestants questions?

So I finally saw the Miss California gay marriage answer that I'd heard was a big deal and Perez Hilton's response (video clips at the bottom). Here's my take:

I agree with Perez that it was an incredibly dumb answer regardless of ideology. Opposite marriage? In my country and in my family I think I believe? That is just a trainwreck of platitudes and attempts at an answer.

That being said, I think Perez is incredibly touchy and over reacting because he is gay. But then again, is that what the hilton's do? They just run their mouth about people to grab headlines but they're really just high school-esque petty morons?

And back on the contestant's answer. Aren't you supposed to stop using "that's the way I was raised" after you graduate high school? I'm not saying you have to change your opinion, I'm just saying you have to forge an opinion, support it, and buy into it yourself because you're an adult now. If you think it's immoral, say so, but don't hide behind this weak minded "that's how I was raised." If I want to know how you were raised I'll ask your parents. Grow up and start thinking for yourself.

And can't we just stop asking beauty pageant contestants questions or having a talent portion? They're in a beauty pageant. That means they're not that bright or talented. Otherwise they wouldn't be in a beauty pageant. These girls know they're going to have to speak in public and they still sound like a 'D' student in a freshman english class. I guess the students who sound like they graduated with a 'C' are the 'geniuses' of the competition.

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