Bush is addressing the nation about the national economic situation.
8:59 PM Call me crazy but Bush doesn't seem to know what he's talking about. Not very teacherly and understanding like FDR
9:01 PM Bush is not really being honest. He's blaming this ENTIRELY on the borrowers who 'borrowed more than they could pay.' Just tell America that mortgage lenders got greedy, gave too many high-risk high-reward loans and then jacked up the prices to unreasonable levels
9:04 PM Foreclosures have already risen traumatically moron.
9:05 PM What do McCain and Obama have to offer specifically? I mean really? Neither of them are financial whizzes and it will just bring a circus around the process
9:07 PM WOW! Bush just became a whipping boy. 'Protect the taxpayers. Avoid windfalls for high level executives' those aren't Bush's talking points. He hates those things
9:08 PM Did Bush just imply that we ARE going to buy the securities at fire-sale prices AND get the profits back in the government? This might end up being a good deal if judges have the ability to restructure mortgages.
9:10 PM Mmmmm, don't forget to suck cock at the altar of capitalism there Bush. BEST SYSTEM EVER IN THE BEST COUNTRY EVER! WOOO! You're a dick.
Overall thoughts: Bush is stupid, was a lap dog to Paulson's bullshit plan until everyone who knows anything said he was a stupid evil fuck. This may be a moment in history where politicians and Americans wake up and realize that the republican party line is an evil piece of shit in this case and Democrats are the party of helping people.
Note: Watching Chris Dodd's response to the speech on the Rachel Maddow show. He is holding back but he did say two important points
1. There were regulators but the 'cops weren't on the beat'
2. Fannie and Freddie weren't the huge culprits of Fannie and Freddie
3. Dodd bitch slapped McCain by saying he's just politicizing and didn't seem to care about the issue before it started hurting him
9 hours ago
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