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Monday, July 28, 2008

Bush: worst economic president ever?

So I've already done a two post series on how bad republicans are for the national economy in just about every way imaginable but I just had to mention this:

Federal Budget Deficit will reach record low of $490 billion

The previous low was $413 billion (also under Bush). Consider that Clinton left with a $236 billion SURPLUS and you come up with Bush adding $726 billion to the deficit. In an eight year presidency that's $90.75 billion a year! That's more than any president (except for Bush Sr.) has lost in the entire presidency going back through JFK (and that's only as far back as I can find records).

I think any Republican running for national office should have to admit that Bush is the worst president since Hoover (I would say he's probably worse but I want push this on them cause that's debateable) before they can get their name on the ballot. He has ruined/is ruining our country and it will be a glorious day when he leaves office.

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