Ok, so I'm not a huge fan of the word patriotism (hell, I'm not even sure if I'm a fan of patriotism in general) but it is quite obvious to me that Republicans have hijacked the term so I want to see if I can even figure out what it means.
First some dictionary definitions to build off:
Most generic definition I could find: Love of and devotion to one's country (American Heritage Dictionary)
So that doesn't really mean anything because you can easily redefine that
Ok now let's look at a few excerpts from more pointed definitions:
1) Love of country and
willingness to sacrifice for it (WordNet)
2) Devotion to the welfare of one's country (Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary)
3) The passion which inspires one to serve one's country (Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary)
Ok, so in 1) it is still we get the idea of willingness to sacrifice for it. Well what does this mean? Are we talking sacrificing money, time, your life, or what?
There is a quoted quip that says soldiers fight for their buddies beside them and not necessarily for their country so is being a soldier proof positive that you are sacrificing for your country? Is this the only type of sacrifice and therefore the only true patriots are soldiers? If you're talking about sacrificing money then wouldn't someone who favors higher taxes (or at least those who desire to pay them) be more patriotic?
Maybe 1) is kind of hinting at what 3) says. That 'sacrifice' really means 'service to one's country.' This may seem to favor those who served in the military. Well I guess that calls into question why Bush was viewed as more patriotic than Kerry even though Kerry served in Vietnam.
For that matter, served could mean served the government in any capacity. If the draft were instituted working in the State department (or being a senator) would count as 'serving' your country (ie you would not be drafted into the military) so I guess any government employee is patriotic.
If 2) is your definition then the Republicans fair very poorly in the sense that they are notoriously against 'welfare' and think that everyone should fend for themselves. The economy is notoriously bad during Republican administrations and fewer social programs are supported. I guess if you want to define welfare as moral welfare and you subscribe to the far right's view that abortion should be illegal in all cases and that homosexuals and minorities should be allowed no rights then I guess Republicans are better for the welfare of the country
So I guess that's it. Patriotism is keeping women, minorities, homosexuals, and anyone who isn't in a position of power marginalized and unequal citizens while giving everyone the opportunity to die for their country by picking fights around the world. Oh yeah, and wearing flag pins, displaying flags everywhere, screaming "USA" loudly and frequently.
Wait, why am I proud to be an American again? What do we have over Canada again?