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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I almost forgot

That I never intended this to be purely a political blog. I figured it might evolve into one because of political season but I've been forcing that over the past few months and I think I would like to retain some of the personal in it as well.

That being said, this post was to talk about a political book I'm reading.

Over the past month or two I've gotten into an author by the name of Charles Derber. He is a sociology professor and activist from Boston College. I have been absolutely delighted by everything of his I've read so far.

Derber is honest and intellectual and comes from an informed far left position. He compares our current government the Roman and British Empires and in our "morality" to Nazi Germany and the Slave South. He's hard hitting and intellectual and makes you want to arrest republican politicians on sight. Before reading him I disagreed with and disliked republicans now I'm fairly thoroughly convinced that to be republican you must be either naive, ignorant, evil, or some combination of the three. He is an absolute must read.

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