Ok, gonna start a new live blog thread cause this one's getting long
10:00 PM: Palin: 'Oh golly gee willickers I'm such a Joe Sixpack Washington outsider'
9:53 PM: HAHAHAHA. Palin basically says "we can have nuclear weapons cause we're the good guys and ours deter others from violence. They can't have them cause they're bad guys." I wonder if the guys on the other side think the same way in reverse
9:51 PM: Palin is essentially saying about Bush's massive fuck ups: Whoopsy Daisy, our bad, no biggie
9:47 PM: Biden understands issues. Palin is a parrot.
9:40 PM: Palin isn't blatantly looking stupid in this debate by her lack of prep but she is sounding stupid because she sounds like an uninformed talking point parrot
9:35 PM: It's painfully clear from this and the Couric interview that Palin doesn't understand questions worded in English
9:33 PM: Biden's answer on homosexuality may not be popular but I can't wait to hear Sarah Palin.
9:31 PM: Dear Sarah Palin, Natural Gas isn't "clean and green" Sincerely, anyone with a brain
9:27 PM: Palin evades the causes of global warming and loses any intelligent person by doing so
9:24 PM: Palin deflects question about court refinancing of mortgages to talk about what she already planned to talk about. Her debate is too much like a talking point speech
9:23 PM: Biden is very teacherly when it comes to skewing someone's voting record in regards to tax breaks to big corporations. He also turns Palin against McCain with windfall profits tax on big oil.
9:22 PM: Biden is really hammering the $4B tax cut to ExxonMobil
9:20 PM: Palin just referred to two companies and a monopoly (I don't get it. Doesn't monopoly mean one?)
9:19 PM: Biden calls corporate tax havens unpatriotic
9:16 PM: Biden pwns McCain's bs, corporate, inadequate healthcare and slips in a bridge to no one jab (which gets a chuckle)
9:15 PM: Palin doesn't seem to understand what she's saying but she's been briefed pretty well. She knows all of her points.
9:13 PM: Biden defending middle class and calling it a values issue
9:11 PM: Palin admitted she's not going to answer the questions/charges posed to her directly by Biden. You gotta like Biden here. Answering charges then going on the attack.
9:10 PM: Biden smacking Palin in the mouth on her lies. Tell it Joe! Tell it!
9:08 PM: Biden is really pinning this deregulation stuff on McCain. that's exactly what he needs to do. This is what's wrong, this is why it's McCain's fault. Biden slips in a story about a guy named Joey. Nice connection without being too hokey (cough Palin)
9:06 PM: Biden is being respectful and looking at Palin. Meanwhile Palin is delivering her stupid Joe Sixpack lines
9:05 PM: Palin had a nice moment when she looked at Biden but she looks less personable by being robotic and speaking with a blank stare at the screen
9:04 PM: There you go Biden. Don't let Palin's bs about McCain slide
9:01 PM: Palin's answer is ok but I think she should have challenged Biden's answer instead of going off on her own
9:00 PM: Well spun by Biden. Bailout is not the best or worst of congress. Just evidence of the shitty position Bush's policies put us in
8:59 PM: Seems cordial. Sarah Palin asked if she could call Biden 'Joe'
8:57 PM: Let's get it on!