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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hillary a no show for FISA vote

So after Hillary made a big deal about Obama's 129 present votes in the Illinois state legislature she does not even show up to vote on the very important FISA bill and its many amendments today. I should also mention that the 'present' votes Obama cast in Illinois were defended by the people who had the most at stake in those votes.

Obama on the other hand voted against retroactive telecom immunity, for substituting the US government in place of telecom companies in lawsuits regarding warrant-less wiretaps. And, while she voted for cloture on January 28th (as did Obama) he was there to vote for cloture today and she was not. To me, this is almost indefensible. If Hillary is going to attack Obama for being all rhetoric and no substance perhaps she should show up for one of the Senate's most important votes since the beginning of the primaries. Heck, even McCain was there (I don't like his votes but at least he was there).

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