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Monday, February 25, 2008

Something for Obama supporters to be concerned about

So I recently read this article in CommonWealth Inc magazine (registration required to read it but it's free). This article is about Deval Patrick but I think parallels can be drawn to Obama because he and Deval ran similar campaigns on similar issues. A few things to note.

It was an outsider’s campaign, and I think that predisposed [him] to having an
outsider’s government, which is a very different proposition

Patrick has been slow to grasp the difference between campaigning and governing,
or, if he has been reluctant to accept that the executive branch doesn’t
necessarily trump the House Speaker and Senate president

I think these two issues go hand in hand for Patrick although Obama may be
immune to this in the sense that, even though he's running as an outsider, Obama
is a senator and knows how the system operates. Patrick's only experience was as
Assisstant Attorney General in the Clinton administration. So at least Obama
knows how these relations currently work.
What Patrick was reveling in that night, it seemed to me, was the way his
judgment, his instincts, had proved to be right...Would he become a believer in
his own inerrancy?...Then, a year later, I kept running into people who wanted
to tell me about the “arrogance” of the Patrick administration, how he seemed to
be filling the executive branch with “the smartest guy in the room” types

I think this is what really needs to be watched. Obama stresses judgement and it can make him seem elitist. And while not agreeing with people is fine, I think not listening to people (especially democrats who may not agree with his stances or methods) will earn him a lot of enemies. I'm not suggesting Obama will be like this but
1) It's something that needs to be watched and
2) It's something Republicans can use against him

That being said I think the quality of Deval Patrick's governing is still up for debate. I feel like he has not focused on specific issues and has many things that he is working on still 'pending.' So, as of right now, it looks like he has accomplished less that he 'should' whereas if things continue to progress he may have a shotgun of policies go through in the next year or two that makes him look like a very effective governor. Only time will tell.

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