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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Why isn't net neutrality even mentioned?

I am surprised that broadband access and net neutrality aren't bigger issues in the election. At least the democratic elections. This seems like it would be a very important issue to young voters and at least somewhat important to voters who currently do not have broadband access.

Also, in a race where everyone is claiming there are no substanitive differences between Obama and Hillary this issue is a very definitive difference. I also think that Clinton's telecom plans could be used as proof of her extremely suspect lobbyist relations.

Obama's telecom policies not only support net neutrality but do progressive things like
  • Creates a Chief Technology Officer position to oversee implementation of more efficient technology
  • Create web tools to give citizens better access to information about their government and increase governmental transparency
  • Allowing the public to review and comment on the White House website for five days before signing any non-emergency legislation
  • Requiring Cabinet officials to have periodic national online town hall meetings to answer questions and discuss issues before their agencies

This is a remarkably progressive policy and contrasts remarkably to Hillary's and I'm surprised this isn't getting more media attention (or at least that Barack isn't bringing it up more).

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